v2.11.0 (5807)

Langues - AN1113 : Technology and Ethics

Domaine > Langues vivantes.


Emerging technological advances have created alarming ethical dilemmas. This class explores questions about the grey areas in ‘progress’, and how technology relates to concepts like hierarchy, economic development, and biopolitics. Some topics to discuss include self-driving cars, rights, GMOs, facial recognition software and cybersecurity.  Where should we make or change laws?  Who needs to or is allowed to make decisions and regulations?   

This class, taught in English, will help students practice using critical thinking skills, being analytical, doing research, arguing an opinion, providing feedback and listening to others.   

Objectifs pédagogiques

By the end of the course, students will have a greater understanding of the debates centered around civil liberties, surveillance, and expectations of privacyStudents will be more aware of how companies, governments and consumers fight to protect their interests Students will have developed stronger opinions on the ethical dilemmas technological progress has forced us to contend with.

15 heures en présentiel (10 blocs ou créneaux)

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

Niveaux requis

  • Anglais : B2.2
  • Anglais : C1
  • Anglais : C1.1
  • Anglais : C1.2
  • Anglais : C2
  • Anglais : C2.1
  • Anglais : C2.2

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'Ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Max entre les deux notes écrêté à une note seuil)
  • le rattrapage est obligatoire si :
    Note initiale < 6
  • le rattrapage peut être demandé par l'étudiant si :
    6 ≤ note initiale < 10

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 1

Programme détaillé

This class has a strong emphasis on speaking and presenting ideas.  Students will need to do research in English and work on structuring written work.  Students are expected to give feedback to their peers.   

Types of activities  

During the semester, students will give one group presentation in the form of an ethics bowl and one presentation in the form of a sales pitch.  Students will also have panel discussions, debates and role plays. 

The major themes discussed in this class are transportation, music sampling, copyright, GPS technology, emerging forms of energy, medical advances, defense, cloning, GMOs, AI, DNA testing, cybersecurity, social media and nanotechnology. 

Autonomous learning will be expected through homework and will include doing research, preparing class activities and reading academic articles and excerpts from books. Students should expect around 20 hours of homework per semester. 


Students will be graded on presentations, a mid-term exam and a panel discussion.  A final exam may be given, if required. 

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